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;$Id: fx_root.pro,v 1.4 1997/01/15 03:11:50 ali Exp $
; Copyright (c) 1994-1997, Research Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
; This function computes real and complex roots (zeros) of
; a univariate nonlinear function.
; Nonlinear Equations/Root Finding
; Result = FX_ROOT(X, Func)
; X : A 3-element initial guess vector of type real or complex.
; Real initial guesses may result in real or complex roots.
; Complex initial guesses will result in complex roots.
; Func: A scalar string specifying the name of a user-supplied IDL
; function that defines the univariate nonlinear function.
; This function must accept the vector argument X.
; DOUBLE: If set to a non-zero value, computations are done in
; double precision arithmetic.
; ITMAX: Set this keyword to specify the maximum number of iterations
; The default is 100.
; STOP: Set this keyword to specify the stopping criterion used to
; judge the accuracy of a computed root, r(k).
; STOP = 0 implements an absolute error criterion between two
; successively-computed roots, |r(k) - r(k+1)|.
; STOP = 1 implements a functional error criterion at the
; current root, |Func(r(k))|. The default is 0.
; TOL: Set this keyword to specify the stopping error tolerance.
; If the STOP keyword is set to 0, the algorithm stops when
; |x(k) - x(k+1)| < TOL.
; If the STOP keyword is set to 1, the algorithm stops when
; |Func(x(k))| < TOL. The default is 1.0e-4.
; Define an IDL function named FUNC.
; function FUNC, x
; return, exp(sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 - 1) - 1
; end
; Define a real 3-element initial guess vector.
; x = [0.0, -!pi/2, !pi]
; Compute a root of the function using double-precision arithmetic.
; root = FX_ROOT(x, 'FUNC', /double)
; Check the accuracy of the computed root.
; print, exp(sin(root)^2 + cos(root)^2 - 1) - 1
; Define a complex 3-element initial guess vector.
; x = [complex(-!pi/3, 0), complex(0, !pi), complex(0, -!pi/6)]
; Compute a root of the function.
; root = FX_ROOT(x, 'FUNC')
; Check the accuracy of the computed root.
; print, exp(sin(root)^2 + cos(root)^2 - 1) - 1
; FX_ROOT implements an optimal Muller's method using complex
; arithmetic only when necessary.
; Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing (Second Edition)
; Cambridge University Press
; ISBN 0-521-43108-5
; Written by: GGS, RSI, March 1994
; Modified: GGS, RSI, September 1994
; Added support for double-precision complex inputs.
function fx_root, xi, func, double = double, itmax = itmax, $
stop = stop, tol = tol
on_error, 2 ;Return to caller if error occurs.
x = xi + 0.0 ;Create an internal floating-point variable, x.
sx = size(x)
if sx[1] ne 3 then $
message, 'x must be a 3-element initial guess vector.'
;Initialize keyword parameters.
if keyword_set(double) ne 0 then begin
if sx[2] eq 4 or sx[2] eq 5 then x = x + 0.0d $
else x = dcomplex(x)
if keyword_set(itmax) eq 0 then itmax = 100
if keyword_set(stop) eq 0 then stop = 0
if keyword_set(tol) eq 0 then tol = 1.0e-4
;Initialize stopping criterion and iteration count.
cond = 0 & it = 0
;Begin to iteratively compute a root of the nonlinear function.
while (it lt itmax and cond ne 1) do begin
q = (x[2] - x[1])/(x[1] - x[0])
pls = (1 + q)
f = call_function(func, x)
a = q*f[2] - q*pls*f[1] + q^2*f[0]
b = (2*q+1)*f[2] - pls^2*f[1] + q^2*f[0]
c = pls*f[2]
disc = b^2 - 4*a*c
roc = size(disc) ;Real or complex discriminant?
if roc[1] ne 6 and roc[1] ne 9 then begin ;Proceed toward real root.
if disc lt 0 then begin ;Switch to complex root.
;Single-precision complex.
if keyword_set(double) eq 0 and sx[2] ne 9 then begin
r0 = b + complex(0, sqrt(abs(disc)))
r1 = b - complex(0, sqrt(abs(disc)))
endif else begin ;Double-precision complex.
r0 = b + dcomplex(0, sqrt(abs(disc)))
r1 = b - dcomplex(0, sqrt(abs(disc)))
if abs(r0) gt abs(r1) then div = r0 $ ;Maximum modulus.
else div = r1
endif else $
div = max([abs(b + sqrt(disc)), abs(b - sqrt(disc))]) ;Real root.
endif else begin ;Proceed toward complex root.
c0 = b + sqrt(disc)
c1 = b - sqrt(disc)
if abs(c0) gt abs(c1) then div = c0 $ ;Maximum modulus.
else div = c1
root = x[2] - (x[2] - x[1]) * (2 * c/div)
;Absolute error tolerance.
if stop eq 0 and abs(root - x[2]) le tol then cond = 1 $
else $
;Functional error tolerance.
if stop ne 0 and abs(call_function(func, root)) le tol then cond = 1
x = [x[1], x[2], root]
it = it + 1
if it ge itmax and cond eq 0 then $
message, 'Algorithm failed to converge within given parameters.'
return, root